Server Side Analytics with GoAccess
While simplifying and modernizing my website I realized that I don’t need anything as invasive as Google Analytics, so switched to server side analytics. Here I detail what I tried, and the docker container I ended up building to support automatic, robust, server side analytics.
Replacing Mocks
After reading a recent post by Sam Edwards detailing how he wraps mock objects for tests, I had a good discussion with him and others about the alternative: simply making Fake implementations.
Your Labor is a Product
How my experience as a freelancer changed my perspective on hiring and employment.
Easy Android Scopes
Properly scoping objects in Android apps to avoid memory leaks and avoid repeating work can be challenging. Let’s take a look at some ways that this could be done in the past, and also an approach that is clean and simple, but isn’t tied to the Android framework.
Handling Transient Events
Some data communicated between view models and views shouldn’t be restored. Here’s a look at a simple way to deliver these transient events, avoiding complexity and common bugs.
Encapsulating View State
This article looks at an approach to encapsulate view state, allowing us to move more logic into our more easily testable ViewModel classes, and simply our views.
Cloud Build Recipes - Saving the Build Cache
Using a build cache can speed up builds a great deal. Here’s a look at how to enable a build cache in Google Cloud Build.
Cloud Build Recipes - Incrementing Build Numbers
Many CI services use an incrementing build number to identify builds. Google Cloud Build, however, uses a randomly assigned unique identifier, as is common in large scale systems. In this article we take a look at how to support incremented build numbers in Google Cloud Build.
Google Cloud Build for Android
Google Cloud Build is a Continuous Integration environment from Google Cloud that’s very flexible, and very affordable. In this post we look at how it can be used for Android projects.
Android Development on a Pixelbook
A couple of weeks ago I bought a Google Pixelbook. I’ve been doing a bit of Android Development on it, mostly to optimize Pigment for Chromebooks. It’s taken some experimentation and discovery to find out how to get things set up, largely because the Android documentation is slightly out of date, so I thought I would share my experience, hopefully saving others time.
This post serves as a step by step guide to getting up and running with Android Studio on a Pixelbook (and, hopefully, other Chromebooks as well).